Friday, March 23, 2007

A Brand is Born

A brand is an intangible but a critical component of what a company stands for.

A consumer does not generally have a relationship with a product or a service. However, he or she may have a relationship with a brand. In part, a brand is a set of promises. It implies trust, consistency and a defined set of expectations.

The strongest brand in the world owns a place in the minds of the consumers and when it is mentioned, almost everyone thinks of the same associations. Examples: Herbal Essence helps attain organic pleasure; Head & Shoulders shampoo helps clear dandruff; Fair & Lovely helps enhance beauty and achieve a fairer complexion. Conversely, certain words connect the consumers back to the brand. Example: one-quarter moisturizing cream leads one to think of Dove; aiming a higher name in stardom would make one think of Lux since it is positioned as brining out stars in its consumers.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Birth of the Branding Concept

Branding is a rather new concept: a single, seemingly innocuous idea conceived by the strategists Al Ries and his wife, Laura Al Ries in the mid-1980s. They believed that successful companies produced brands instead of products, that is, brands were intangible and existed only in the minds of the consumers